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Performance Insights

Monitor your campaigns and products performance.

Updated over a week ago

The insights section provides analysis of campaigns and products.

While the campaign sections shows the campaigns overview, details for PMax campaigns, Period-over-Period analysis and campaign comparison, the product sections provides details of performance per product item as well as per product type.

Note: Every insights dashboard contains various filter possibilities. If you do not want to set filters every time you visit a insights page, please contact your smec team. They can set filters that can be saved and shared with your team.

Campaigns Overview

The Overview section shows the performance of each campaign per Ad platform as well as how many products are assigned to each campaign (PMax and Shopping only).

The metrics "conversion" and "conversion value" are provided as standard metrics or as "... by conversion date" (Google Ads campaigns only).

Note: Use the "Ad Platform" filter to get details for Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising campaigns. If your Microsoft Advertising campaigns are not shown, please contact your smec team.

Products to campaigns assignment

Further down the Campaigns Overview insights page you will find the count of products assigned to each campaign, together with how many products were added or removed to PMax or Shopping campaigns per day.

Note: Products with 0 Impressions are excluded.


The PMax insights page contains three dashboards, dedicated to Google Performance Max campaigns: Channel Distribution, Search Terms and Assets & Asset Groups.

Channel Distribution

Google Performance Max campaigns display your ads across four channels: Shopping, Display, Video and Search/Other. The channel distribution insights dashboard shows the percentage of cost, conversions and conversion value per channel.

Search Terms

The Search Terms insights dashboards helps you separating Branded Search Term categories from Non-Branded Search Term categories and to understand, which Search Term categories are most effective for your campaigns.

Note: Please specify the "Brand Terms" filter (using contains) to see the performance comparison between branded and non-branded search terms over time. Alternatively contact your smec team to set filters so that you can re-use them anytime.

Assets and Asset Groups

The Asset and Asset Groups visualizations provide insights into the performance and usage of different assets within your Google Ads campaigns.

Period-over-Period campaign comparison

Use this insights page to compare the performance of specific campaigns with another period. Use the filter to compare a period with the previous period, week, month, quarter or year.

Campaign Comparison

The campaign comparison insights page enables you to compare specific or sets of campaigns. Simply enter the campaign IDs or campaign names in the respective filters (Set A, Set B).

Products Overview

The insights section of Products provides details of the performance for every Product Item ID.

Note: Products with 0 Impressions are excluded.

Products Conversions Buckets

Further down the Products Overview Page you find an analysis of how many products had conversions, grouped in conversions buckets and their respective cost and revenue.

Product Types

The page Product Types shows the relevant metrics per product type level 1 (L1).

You can click on a product type to further drill-down on the related sub product types L2 and L3

The bottom of the product type insights page displays the count of product items that are assigned to the respective product type.

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