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Campaign Sync

Synchronize campaigns with your Google Ads campaigns

Updated over a month ago

The Campaign Sync functionality enables the synchronisation of selected settings of Google Ads campaigns based on the configuration of the Campaign Orchestrator. Moreover, asset and listing groups are synchronised with a template campaign. The synchronisation process is initiated upon clicking the "Publish Changes" button and is also triggered at regular intervals according to a pre-defined schedule.

The campaign settings included in the campaign sync are as follows: campaign name, campaign status, budget and bidding strategy. Upon triggering the campaign sync, the values in Google Ads are updated in accordance with the configured values in the campaign orchestrator.


Please note that the campaign sync does not consider changes made directly in Google Ads. Consequently, if you modify the budget of a campaign managed by the Campaign Orchestrator directly in Google Ads, the campaign sync will revert to the value specified in the campaign configuration during the next scheduled run.

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